Get the ICD-10-CM versions available in this package

get_icd10cm_available(dx = TRUE, return_year = FALSE)



Single logical value, if TRUE the default, diagnostic codes will be retrieved and processed. If FALSE, procedure codes will be used. Note that most ICD-10 schemes around the world do not add procedure codes. The US uses them extensively, and these form the basis of the Belgian version of ICD-10.


Logical, which, if TRUE, will result in only a character vector of year (or year-like version) being returned.


By default, the names of all the data available, for diagnostic ICD-10-CM codes, e.g. icd10cm2019.


# Diagnostic codes: get_icd10cm_available()
#> [1] "icd10cm2014" "icd10cm2015" "icd10cm2016" "icd10cm2017" "icd10cm2018" #> [6] "icd10cm2019"
# Just get the years avaiable for ICD-10-CM procedure codes get_icd10cm_available(dx = FALSE, return_year = TRUE)
#> [1] "2014" "2015" "2016" "2017" "2018" "2019"
# How to use the data name - most are not package data, due to severe CRAN # package size limitations, so they are retrieved and cached as needed. # The latest ICD-10-CM is included. tail(get_icd10cm_available(), n = 1)
#> [1] "icd10cm2019"